The Launch

Posted in Uncategorized on October 26th, 2010 by ClareWilson

Well, it’s done. The launch of The Long Staff was last night at Hamilton Town House. It was a great success and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

I had hoped to return to London with a stock of books, armed to start my charm offensive on unsuspecting bookstore owners. Unfortunately, we sold out! A nice predicament.

My publisher is readying to re-stock me with books, and I will soon be in stores on a high street near you. I’ll keep you all updated with any events once organised.

Thank you to everyone who came along, and also for the kind words from those who couldn’t make it.

I hope everyone enjoys the books they purchased. It’s full steam ahead for the Long Staff and the rest of The Staff Wielder Series!

Remember folks, Keep Wielding!

The Writer Speaks…

Posted in Uncategorized on October 15th, 2010 by ClareWilson

I find myself facing the official launch of The Long Staff… The moment I have been waiting for, for a very long time. However, the time I spend finding just the right passage to read, or trying to invent tasks to do with kids on my school visits,  feels strange. It’s strange to go from hiding behind a laptop, to having to speak my words aloud to people. It’s usually my empy living room that lives the tale aloud.

I think as an unpublished author, you have a world that you create, people who become your friends, and they purely belong to you. It’s daunting to send them off out into the world to face another’s scrutiny. What if someone is mean to one of my creations? I love them all so much and wish to protect them. Still, like children, they must leave the nest. I cannot keep them at home, never to make friends of their own.

I also find myself, when writing, feeling like I’m having an elicit affair. Should I be spending time upon writing new strange stories, when I need to be encouraging people to read my finished article? I wonder how other authors deal with this.

On the other hand, I am absolutely loving The Ancient Exile (book two in The Staff Wielder Series). There are hoards of new magical creatures rearing their heads, along with my favourites from book one, ‘The Nuggies’. I have found myself surprised by how many different little creatures are cropping up. I love writing when I find myself surprised by what’s happening on the page. I think those who enjoy The Long Staff will love the second installment. Tom is older, perhaps not wiser, and facing a challenge which will throw his world into complete turmoil.

When next I blog, I’m sure that the launch will have taken place and I can let you know how the baby turned out (having flown the nest). Till then, Keep Wielding!

When do Writers Write?

Posted in News & Events on October 4th, 2010 by ClareWilson

Well, I had a fantastic time at Wigtown Book Festival and I would like to thank Steve at the Creaking Shelves for all his help. He has a fabulous store and I would recommend a visit to anyone! I also got to meet the lovely Mr Ian Rankin, and he was kind enough to stand and have a lovely chat with Sam Wilding and me.

Since coming back, I ended up having to do a final pre-launch run through of ‘The Long Staff’, and this week, we’re trying to find somewhere cool for the launch.

I didn’t think when I took some time to do all of this full time, that I would struggle to find time to write, but it’s really easy to find yourself extremely busy!

I’m currently 3/4 way through the first draft of ‘The Ancient Exile’ and I have several other ideas on the side that I would love to develop… so much to write, not enough time!

Thanks for reading guys, and I will definitely let you all know as soon as we have a venue organised for the launch. We’re hoping for October 25th 2010!

Re-drafting – The Author’s Curse!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 12th, 2010 by ClareWilson

I have just finished going through the initial copy of ‘The Long Staff’ prior to the print for our official launch next month.

The process has been a real roller coaster ride. While it was great fun getting to read my book after a long break, and also getting to read it from a reader’s perspective. It was emotional noticing the errors which had slipped through the net.

Luckily, the initial response I have had from readers of the book, is that they got so lost in the story, that they didn’t notice the mistakes. I suppose as writers, we are always over critical.

The main thing this exercise has taught me, is that authors CAN NOT edit their own work. We get too engrossed in what we are writing, and see what ‘we think’ is on the page, rather than what is actually there… Possibly an argument against the new wave of self published online authors? Who knows…

I am a writer with a small press, and so with less resources than a larger publishing house, these things are ironed out in a slightly different fashion, however I’m sure that all authors feel the same pressure and upset, no matter when they have to go through their work, looking for flaws.

I am lucky, that I now have my ever patient ‘retired teacher’ mother, who is kindly being my first set of eyes for my second book. She is extremely attentive, and I’m sure that when this book gets to an editor, it will already be in great shape.

For now, I’m just grateful I can get back to writing again…. I would love to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences, how they felt throughout…

Thanks again guys, and keep wielding!

Clare Wilson

Wigtown Book Festival!

Posted in Uncategorized on August 26th, 2010 by ClareWilson

Well, after a second flying visit to the festival, I was able to attend a great talk on the future of publishing and then go to the Publishing Scotland evening event. I got to meet some fantastic people, including author Nicola Morgan!

I have now also confirmed that I will be at the Wigtown Book Festival on September 25th appearing with my fellow Olida Publishing author Sam Wilding. My book, ‘The Long Staff’, will be available for purchase at this event.

Come along, and have a nosy!

Book Festival and more…

Posted in News & Events on August 19th, 2010 by ClareWilson

Well, I’m just back from the Edinburgh International Book Festival, and it has really got me excited about things to come. It’s the only place where an author is treated like a rock n’ roll star. Ian Rankin was just swanning around Charlotte Square, it’s like a little community!

After finalising things with the old publisher, there should be a limited number of copies  of ‘The Long Staff’ available prior to the official launch, in October 2010.

Go to to order your copy now!

Welcome to my Blog

Posted in News & Events on August 2nd, 2010 by ClareWilson

Hi there,

Welcome to my new blog page. From here I should be able to keep you up-to-date with news about the upcoming release of ‘The Long Staff’, and the Staff Wielder Series as a whole.

More news soon!

Clare Wilson